image/svg+xml The SwitchMed programme is funded by the European Union image/svg+xml image/svg+xml

Checking the steam network at a carbonated beverage production facility revealed that the steam condensate is not recovered, leading to loss of water and energy. Installing a condensate recovery network is a feasible alternative to conserve natural resources.

It was noted that this dairy and juice company consumes volume of water to rinse the system during the CIP exceeding the benchmarked quantities. Reducing the water quantities over small steps, while monitoring the product quality lead to conservation of water and energy.

Modification to the process in order to have a prewashing stage before the boxes are emptied to the sterilization station saved significantly on water, energy and reduced the pollution load.

The cleaning of moulding tools at a brake linings and clutches production company is carried out in a traditional way in a caustic soda bath, a method that is not very efficient, and also generates very heavy liquid discharges. Switching to ultrasonic cleaning optimizes the cleaning operation, reduce the cleaning time, and provide better work conditions for the workers.

A milk and beverage company suffered from repeated power outages, thus relied on diesel generators to maintain production availability. The triggers for the generators were not optimized to recharge after short power outages, leading to occasional cuts, forcing CIP to start. Adjusting the triggers of the generators shall eliminate untimely shutdown of equipment.

Floor washing in a dairy was practiced through open end hoses, which operators occassionally leave running instead of closing the taps. Suggested measures include utilization of pressureized cleaners as well as equipping the hoses with spray guns to provide high pressure water suitable for cleaning and to control the water flow.

Benchmarking the bath ratio in a textile finishing company indicated a room for improvement through reducing that bath ratio. That reduction was achieved while monitoring the product quality to avoid any adverse impact, and consequently the company saved on water, chemicals, and energy.