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Best practices

This section compiles a database of more than 200 resource efficiency measures that were identified using the TEST methodology and successfully implemented within several industries across many sectors. The measures are classified by sector and subsector, type (good housekeeping, process control/modification, technology change, etc.), category of resource savings (water, energy and/or materials), scope and applicability (process or utilities). The database enables the use of predefined filters including the possibility to use keywords for an advanced search.

Each measure in the database includes a description of the problem, a technical description of the solution, the economic and environmental benefits quantified for the specific company case, the costs and the expected return on investment, suppliers of equipment as well as other aspects related to safety, maintenance, productivity and technical implementation.

Compressed Air System Optimisation

Through mapping the compressed air supply and demand, it was noted that the pressure setting of the compressors was not optimised, and that the compressors are set to operate simultaneously. Replacing one of the compressors with a variable speed drive compressor, together with the installation of a sequencer controller, enabled the company to reduce the pressure setting, and to save on energy.

Connect the company to the utility grid

The company was not connected to the medium voltage grid as the connection cost at the time of its establishment was high. Consequently, it relied on in-house diesel generators, that operated al low load factor most of the time. Connecting to the medium voltage grid from the utility supplier, would save on energy costs, and more important reduce the pollution load associated to energy use.

Continuous automatic blowdown for the boiler

A pasta manufacturing company had manual blowdown procedure to adjust the Total Dissolved Solids of the boiler water. This manual blowdown resulted in excessive opening of the blowdown valve, losing water and energy. Converting to automatic blowdown, with the installation of suitable transmitters saves 2.5% of energy, and 8% of water.

Cooling/temperature control of silos

Loss in grains stored in silos within a pasta manufacturing company was noted due to poor ventilation and lack of temperature control. This resulted in suboptimal quality issues for the company, nevertheless the risk of insect growth, and spontaneous combustion. Purchase and installation of grain refrigeration unit have direct savings of 64 tons of grain annually, besides the savings from avoided risks, and improvements to the product quality.

Covering the mechanical cooling units

An agroindustrial company processing dates is served by several chillers installed in uncovered areas where they suffered from high ambient temperature, direct exposure to sunlight and dusty environment. This led to lowered efificency, repeated failure of the mechanical parts due to the increased load and the deterioration of the evaporator fins. Installingroof cover for chiller units has positively affected the performance of the cooling system, increase energy efficiency and reduce mechanical failures, saving 5% of the total energy consumption.

Design the technical specifications to guarantee the container quality

Reviewing the design of the packaging containers will extend the life time of those containers, and reduce the loss of products that originally resulted from poor design.

Dough recovery

Mass balance conducted in a pastry producing different types of sweets served in quantifying the loss of dough, and identification of the process responsible for the majority of that loss. Losses were reduced through improving the operational procedures, setting Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) and capacity building for company staff.

Dry ice condensing system

Deodorization of edible oil is done by a stripping process through several steps of steam condensation and vacuum extraction including high consumption of energy and water. For this oil refining plant, the deodorization process amounts to 78% of the total energy consumption and 38% of total water consumption. Introducing the most recent techniques using dry ice condensing system shall provide a simple, environmentally friendly, cost effective and low temperature way to replace the process vapor used for edible oil deodorization.

Ducted fresh air intake for air compressor

A bakery is heavily relying on three air compressors to operate machines. The compressors are located in a crowded shed, with the air intake from the hot ambient air within that shed. It was proposed to install a duct on the intake of the main air compressor, to have air intake from cooler area, leading to a reduced electricity consumption.

Dust recovery from production chimneys

In a pasta manufacturing facility, dust generated during the production deposits on the roof, and required labor to clean the roof using water, resulting in excessive water consumption. Installing an exhaust fan on the roof, equipped with bags to collect the dust provides an environmental friendly method to collect the dust dry.