image/svg+xml The SwitchMed programme is funded by the European Union image/svg+xml image/svg+xml

It was noted that this dairy and juice company consumes volume of water to rinse the system during the CIP exceeding the benchmarked quantities. Reducing the water quantities over small steps, while monitoring the product quality lead to conservation of water and energy.

Modification to the process in order to have a prewashing stage before the boxes are emptied to the sterilization station saved significantly on water, energy and reduced the pollution load.

The pasteurization temperature within a juice manufacturing company was allowed to exceed the set limit. Maintaining the pasteurization temperature at the defined set point shall save on energy use.

The cleaning of moulding tools at a brake linings and clutches production company is carried out in a traditional way in a caustic soda bath, a method that is not very efficient, and also generates very heavy liquid discharges. Switching to ultrasonic cleaning optimizes the cleaning operation, reduce the cleaning time, and provide better work conditions for the workers.

Whey is one protein rich by-product that is generated from the production of cheese. In a dairy, generated whey was of mild category, thus was not possible to reuse in useful products, and was disposed to the drain. Investigations for mixing it at small quantities for the production of curdeled milk of LFC can lead to utilization of up to 25% of the produced whey

Frequent breaks of the paper strips at the paper machine lead to losses of material, water and energy and to reduced productivity. Solution is to improve quality of white water by reducing biological deposits.This will be achieved through replacing biocides by new chemicals and small amendments of the existing technology.

Unloading of empty plastic containers from trucks was practiced through manual operations, in which operators drop stacks of 20 containers to the ground. This operation resulted in breakage of the lower container. Switching to forklift rather than manual procedure will result in saving of containers, reducing waste generation.

The packaging material purchased by the company is not according to the ASTM standard, resulting in over consumption for packaging the final proucts. Contacting the suppliers of the packaging material, and incorporating the dimensions satisfying the ASTM shall save over 9% of the packaging cost.